Why learn the hard way?

Several years ago, my pharmacy opened its doors in a very unconventional location. You would’ve thought Field of Dreams was our main inspiration. You know, “If you build it, they will come.” (We’re actually surrounded by corn fields to this very day!)

Well, they didn’t come. In fact, growth was slow for a long time, but during that time I was able to begin learning what works and what doesn’t. In the spirit of our unconventional location, I used unconventional marketing to get our message out there and it’s worked, thankfully! I’m now able to take all that I (painstakingly) learned and help others get an edge at a fast pace.


When working with pharmacies, their vision is the foundation for the road ahead. We then collaborate to bring it to life through optimal team engagement, strategic marketing, and data analysis.

Whether you’re a new pharmacy trying to gain initial traction or an established community cornerstone trying to navigate an evolving industry, let’s talk!